Saturday, September 26, 2009

tagged by Yvonne ::

1) 大名: ShuYun
2)生日: 26 May * (everyday's 5:26am and 5:26pm :) *
3)谁传给你的: Yvonne
4)生日想拿到什么礼物: Friends to be with me.
5)最近压力大的事: FINAL.
6)想做的事: Travelling.
7)有没有喜欢的人: All my friends =)
8)跟谁出去最幸福+快乐: Friends and Family.
9)如果你的好朋友吵架了,你会怎么做: Ready to be his/her listener all the time.
10)最想和别人去那里: I don't go out with strangers =X
11)圣诞节想做什么: Celebrate with friends.
12)最想跟谁庆祝圣诞节: Friends of course.
13)最近在做什么: Study, study and still, study =(
14)有几个兄弟姐妹: 1 younger sister and 1 younger brother.
15)最喜欢的一首英文/华文歌: Currently don't have.
16)喜欢什么颜色: Orange.
17)上厕所会不会冲水: speechless >.<
18)喜欢男还是女生: i am straight too.
19)最想大大声说什么: I HATE EXAMSSS.
20)半夜敢不敢上厕所: Depends.
21)你现在最恨谁: EXAM.
22)现在喜欢做什么: Go for Movie and Drama.
23)睡相好不好看: Anyone can see their sleeping face when sleeping?
24)现在的时间: 5:30pm
25)是否厌恨传给你这卷子的人: Of course not. It's the first quiz I do =)
26)体重多少: 49kg T.T
27)今天天气: HOT
28)如果忙完了你最想做什么: Sleep.
29)失眠后会怎样: As usual, already used to it.
30)你晚上睡觉会不会尿床: I think I won't.
31)你晚上睡觉会不会流口水: Eeeeeee. discover it yourself?
32)你有没有吃过夜宵: Sure. especially during exam weeks.
33)近期开心的事: Had Mcd yesterday =)
34)自由对你来说重要吗: Very important.
35)你觉得在朋友当中谁最性感: Can't think of any.
36)你觉得你比较笨还是聪明: Stupid. If clever then need not study luu.
37)你比较喜欢爸爸还是妈妈: Both of them.
38)你现在最想看到谁: Stepstep.
39)你爱看戏吗: Definitely YES.
40)你敢向你讨厌的人说"我恨你"吗: I think I won't say that.


你打算几时结婚啊: As late as possible.
你喜欢你的生活吗: I think so.
相信塔罗牌吗: Quite accurate but I'm not superstitious.
睡觉前所做的事情:Watch sinchan haha =)
你的偶像: Those with real talent in music.
你喜欢的季节: Autumn.
最想去的地方: Anywhere as long as can eat delicious food hehe.
最讨厌怎样的性格的人: Liers.
你会抽烟吗: No.
你会喝酒吗: Yes.
你常哭吗: Hardly cry.
你常笑吗: Yes =)
想睡到几点: Until cannot fall sleep anymore.
朋友和情人你会选谁: depends.

机会+命运你会选谁: both.
你很自恋吗: I think so (after joining brunch of 自恋狂) =p
你有穿耳洞吗: Yes.
喜欢吃冰吗: Love the most.
现在幸福吗: Yes.
最在乎谁: Friends and Family.
房间里最重要的东西是什么: cleanliness.
没有朋友你会怎么做: Do nothing.

如果天使给你实现一个愿望,你想要什么: give me infinity wishes =)
这个问题废吗: Yes.
喜欢那个水果: Except pineapples I think.
最怕人家问你什么: I don't know.
喜欢下雪吗: Yes.
下辈子要做什么: Never think.
希望再被tag吗: Can take into considerations hehe.
你喜欢等人吗: Within 15 minutes still okay.

1 。被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷
2 。请老实回答每一问题
3 。不能擅自涂改题目
4 。写完请点你的朋友,不可以不点
5 。完后请通知被点到的朋友

1. Sueyin
2. Thian Yin
3. Wan Hoong
4. Hui Lee
5. Wenpey
6. Moon
6. who is reading.


Project Alpha Video