Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today is 22nd April 2009, sunny day. LOL seem as writing a diary. Let me count count, hmmm 36 days to go, then I will be moved to Cyberjaya, a dead city instead (maybe not). Life is like that, everytime after we are used to a new situation and try to get to know everyone around us well, that's mean it's the time for us to pull ourselves out and start a something new. This is called LIFE. I don't know how to express my feeling here hahaha. How good if someone can read my mind by using a finger touching on my forehead. Or when I don't know what am I thinking, then I can use such way to know what I am thinking *confused*.


你你和你,只要你在我的世界逗留过,哪怕只是那短短的几分钟,对我都有一定的重要性,绝对不只是在我生命中的一个过客 =)

Always laugh like this, You Happy, I Happy. Hahaha =D


wen pey said...



书韵 said...

哈哈哈哈 放心 绝对不会是风油 只是包得很大份的风油XD 我暂时只发现你最需要的是-它- 嘻嘻 =)


glicopoky said...

i am a new blogger,please visit my blog when u are free.谢谢支持

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